Eps. 62 Dream Divination : The Thousand and One Nights

Katrina and Geoff talk about dreams! This week we learn a new word, oneiromancy, the use of dreams to foretell the future, and use it as a vehicle to explore the difference between folk belief and religious mythology (and the very specific definition of myth used in the study of folklore). We cover a bunchContinue reading “Eps. 62 Dream Divination : The Thousand and One Nights”

Eps. 58 Harun al-Rashid

Katrina and Geoff talk caliphs, real and imagined! In this episode, Katrina and Geoff retell the tale “Harun al-Rashid and the Second Caliph” from The Thousand and One Nights. But first Katrina tells us who Harun al-Rashid was in real life (along with a cast full of real characters). The Thousand and One Nights isContinue reading “Eps. 58 Harun al-Rashid”

Eps.49 Julnar of the Sea

Katrina and Geoff celebrate Mer-May! Making up for our oversight last year, we go all in with a mermaid tale from The Thousand and One Nights, “Julnar of the Sea.” Besides the Nights, this story also appears in Tales of the Marvelous and News of the Strange, an older, raunchier, more racist, and “problematic” collection of tales fromContinue reading “Eps.49 Julnar of the Sea”

Eps. 47 Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves

Katrina and Geoff back at it again! In this episode we continue our discussion of The Thousand and One Nights by delving deep into the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. While this tale has some major name recognition, I would bet several dinars that most people don’t actually know what it isContinue reading “Eps. 47 Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”

Eps. 45 I’m a Jinni in a Bottle, Baby

Katrina and Geoff dive back into The Nights and find “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Jinni” and it’s many tales within tales. But first Katrina fills us in on all the things we didn’t learn about King Solomon in Sunday school, or watching Indiana Jones. Through these stories Scheherazade really hits us HARDContinue reading “Eps. 45 I’m a Jinni in a Bottle, Baby”

Eps. 43 Scheherazade Enacts Her Plan | The Thousand and One Nights

Katrina and Geoff tell tales within tales within tales! In this episode we dive deep into a listener question about scholars who argue that The Thousand and One Nights was complied by a single author for a specific narrative purpose.  Then we get into the The Tale of the Three Sheiks, which encompasses the firstContinue reading “Eps. 43 Scheherazade Enacts Her Plan | The Thousand and One Nights”

The Thousand and One Nights Ep. 40

Content Warning: Sex, Coercive Sex, Rape, and Domestic Violence Katrina and Geoff are back! This episode launches an ongoing project for this year to cover ALL one thousand and one nights worth of tales…. Just kidding. But we will be talking about them a lot! In this episode, Katrina instructs us on the complicated natureContinue reading “The Thousand and One Nights Ep. 40”

Abu Hassan and his EPIC Fart [Patreon Preview]

We are launching a Patreon! Learn more here: https://www.patreon.com/thefairytellers Enjoy this free preview of our exclusive bonus content for Patreon supporters including a retelling of Abu Hassan and his Epic Fart (AKA “Abu Hassan Breaks Wind” from A Thousand and One Nights) and a blooper reel.

Hassan of Basra: The Complete Epic Tale Ep.30

Katrina and Geoff right a wrong! Waaaaay back in Episode 19, Katrina told the first half of “Hassan of Basra” from One Thousand and One Nights. But in that episode she only told the first half, simplifying the EPIC conclusion to a few sentences. It’s time to make things right! In this episode, Katrina retells “HassanContinue reading “Hassan of Basra: The Complete Epic Tale Ep.30”